
  • You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '&& GC.cate_index<100000000 GROUP BY GC2.cate_num ORDER BY GC2.cate_ind' at line 7
    GC2.cate_num, GC2.cate_name, GC2.cate_index From
    NT_admin.Goods as ntG
    left join Goods as G using(goods_num)
    left join Goods_Category as GC using(cate_num)
    left join Goods_Category as GC2 on GC2.cate_index=truncate(GC.cate_index,-4)
    WHERE ntG.brd_num="" && GC.cate_index>= && GC.cate_index<100000000
    GROUP BY GC2.cate_num
    ORDER BY GC2.cate_index ASC
상품정렬 : 인기도순  브랜드순  분류순  낮은가격순  높은가격순 6개의 상품이 검색되었습니다.
사진 상품정보 규격정보 판매가격
모델 라쳇체결 판매가
NA34 3/8 14,190
NA43 1/2 14,410
NA46 1/2 16,390

3.. more

모델 라쳇체결 판매가
- 1/4 1,760
- 3/8 1,870
- 3/8 2,310

3.. more

모델 라쳇체결 판매가
064604 3/4 2,750
모델 라쳇체결 판매가
38 1/4 8,800
48 3/8 9,240
58 3/8 9,680

5.. more

모델 라쳇체결 판매가
- 1/4 1,650
- 3/8 1,760
- 3/8 1,540

5.. more

모델 라쳇체결 판매가
- 3/8 1,980
- 3/8 2,750
- 1/2 4,180

12.. more
